Thursday, April 28, 2011

A First Letter

To My Little Boy:

After weeks of anticipation, we found out last week that you are a boy.  A "he".  We are overjoyed that you, YOU, are joining our family.  We've known for what seems like forever that another precious baby was on the way, but knowing that it is you, Baby Boy, that is on the way makes it seem all the more real.  Even before we found out you were a boy, I had your nursery planned out (now the real test is whether you sleep in it more than your sisters did their's) and your name chosen.  But now that the ultrasound confirmed a boy is baking, I can picture your trucks in the play room, your little blue layette, and your dirt stained knees.

Even though I have yet to hold you, or gaze in your eyes, or kiss your cheeks, and even though I don't yet know the shape of your lips or the color of your hair, or the sound of your cry, I am learning more about you every day.  I know that you are growing.  The little flutters that I began feeling weeks ago are turning into full blown kicks.  During the ultrasound, we watched you flip your little self in complete circles.  Now that I can feel you all over my tummy, I like to imagine your acrobatics.  I also know that you like Cadbury Eggs as much as I do for it doesn't take long for your little feet to get busy after I eat one.  And, I know that you are active in the late evening.  I can't wait to lay down each evening and wait for your tumbling to begin.

Something else I know is that you have 2 big sisters who are anticipating your arrival probably more than I am.  At first, they weren't so sure they were game for a little brother, but as soon as Daddy and I told them they would indeed be receiving a baby brother, they have launched into full on excitement.  Grace and Emma Kate each kiss "Baby Boy" every night at bedtime right between prayers and being tucked in.

So far my experience as a Mama has been filled with pink, tutus, princesses, and nail polish which has come easy.  More than one person has told me, no, warned me that my world is about to be rocked with the arrival of a little boy.  Even though it makes me a little nervous, I'm ready for the rough and tumble, the mud pies, the "snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails".  I am ready for you.

Long before we knew it was a little boy that would be joining our family, we had your name chosen.  It's been our "boy name" for so long, that part of me was afraid it would wear out it's appeal.  But, now that it is your name, I love it all the more.  Your name is important to us.  It is filled with meaning, and it was meant just for you.  Your name is Reece Paul.  Reece is my mama's maiden name.  Paul is your Daddy's middle name, his daddy's name, and his grandfather's name.  You are named after many people who are important to us.  Many people who have had great impact, many people we love.  I hope you will be as proud of your name as we are to give it to you.

Precious Reece, though we have yet to look upon your face or cuddle you, you are already so very loved.  From the minute we knew of your impending arrival, we loved you.  And now, that we are anticipating our Reece, we love you more and more each day.  We can't wait for your arrival and pray for you daily.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

An Easter Prayer

Dear Grace and Emma Kate,

Today we celebrated Easter.  We've hunted eggs, perused Easter treats, and gussied ourselves up for Easter pictures.  Those are all fun Easter traditions.  But, I want you to remember they are just that.  Traditions.

 The real reason we celebrate Easter is because of fulfilled prophesies.  Because of an empty grave.  Because Jesus died and was resurrected.  Because God loves you so much that He allowed His only son to be crucified so that through His glory, you could receive His free gift of salvation.  That's right.  Because of YOU.  Even 2000 years ago, you were planned, thought about, and loved.

One day, when the time is right, you will have the opportunity to accept Jesus' free gift.  I know this because Jesus offers this gift to everyone.  I pray that you will accept it and embark on the most wonderful journey of your life.

I could not begin to count how many times I've prayed that prayer.  I started that prayer before you were even conceived, and now, each night before I go to bed, I lay a hand on each of you and petition to God that it is in His plan for each of you to have a sincere relationship with Him.

My sweet girls, you will make many, many decisions in your life, but this decision to trust in Jesus is by far the most important.  I pray that you will realize the joy, peace, and celebration that can only come from Jesus.

For now, we will partake in these fun traditions, and I will try to teach you as much about the true meaning of Easter and Jesus as you can understand.  For even now, Jesus rejoices each time you pray to Him, sing to Him, and worship Him with your words, songs, and actions.

Remember that Jesus loves you so very much and wants to have a close, personal relationship with you.  Jeremiah 29:11 tells us For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Happy Easter, Loves.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hippity Hoppity

Because Santa visits were such a royal mess in the past, I had never even brought up visiting the Easter  Bunny.  I mean, if you don't like a grandfatherly guy with rosy cheeks, I could only imagine the heebie jeebies an oversized rabbit could evoke.  But, when Grace asked about him, I thought, "Sure, why not?  Surely we're past that phase."  And we were past it.  Right up to the point when Emma Kate's eyes fell upon Mr. Easter Bunny.  That's when things started to fall apart.  Grace was game, so, I pried Emma Kate out of the stroller thinking she just needed a little extra coaxing or maybe a bribe with candy (Hey, I never said I was a perfect Mama.).  Grace, the big girl, climbed up beside the Bunny.  "Beside" is the key word.  As Emma Kate screamed "NOOO!" I realized the only way we would get a picture was if I sat down too.  As I sat down, the EB pulled Grace onto his lap.  As quickly as he pulled her up, she slid down his other knee and dug her finger nails in my arm.  At this point, the realization set in that we were a mess of princess sized tears, flails, and death grips.  So through smiling, gritted teeth, I growled "Snap it.  Snap it!"  I figured if the photographer thought his stuffed frog with jingle bells was going to turn this catostrophe around, he was sadly mistaken. 

Here is the result of the Bramlett Girls' first (and possibly last) Easter Bunny visit.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Before I was your Mama

Before I was your mama, I was a little girl.  I had a room with pink walls with matching blue and pink floral wallpaper.  My white iron bed sat in front of my window.  I used to love sitting on my bed looking out my window at the daffodils my Papa gave me.

Before I was your mama, my favorite toys were baby dolls.  I loved taking care of Emily Suzanne and my other babies.

Before I was your mama, I had a pair of little blue jelly shoes that I wore everywhere.  When Mimi thought they had seen better days, she tried to throw them away.  Papa got them out of the trash, and they are now one of my favorite keepsakes from my childhood.

Before I was your mama, I had arguments with Mimi about what I would wear.  When I refused to wear a romper to school in first grade, she had Uncle Jamie tell me that all the girls in high school wore rompers.

Before I was your mama, I loved reading, swimming, riding my bike and 4-wheeler, and playing outside.  The first story I read myself was about roller skates.  My favorite books were the Babysitters Club series.

Before I was your mama, I tried to pick up a worm to impress some classmates.  I laid a finger on it, got completely grossed out, and haven't touched a worm or a bug since.

Before I was your mama, I cleaned out and reorganized my Granddaddy's garage for him one summer.  He couldn't find anything, but had nothing but praise for my help.

Before I was your mama, I spent summers at Granny and Granddaddy's and at the pool.

Before I was your mama, I got my first cd player one Christmas.  My first cd's were Bon Jovi and Reba McEntire.  Talk about diverse tastes...

Before I was your mama, Mimi and I would stay up late working on school projects.  Later, we stayed up late working on wedding plans.

Before I was your mama, I loved going to the movies and shopping with my friends.  Papa thought I stayed on the telephone way too much.  I thought that's what he got a second phone line for.

Before I was your mama, I dreamed of being a mama.  Now that I am YOUR mama, I can say with certainty that my dreams have been surpassed, and I could have never imagined what joy and honor that you, my Sunshines would bring me.