Anyway, as we pulled up to the dentist office, my little big girl asked me to carry her in. I'm sure the sight of Grace's long legs wrapped around my 8 months pregnant belly and Emma Kate hanging on for good measure was one to behold. After that though, Grace put on a brave face and hopped in the chair to be the first to undergo the cleaning and prove to her little sister that it would be okay. Even though she is becoming this big girl who accepts certain situations as inevitable and faces them head on, that little moment of her needing her mommy's arms reminds me that forever she will be my little girl.
Before she started cleaning, the hygienist, Angel, showed the girls all her tools, explained what they do, and told them exactly what was going to happen. The cleanings went off without a hitch. Grace used Mr. Thirsty like a pro and grinned from ear to ear when it was over. Emma Kate wasn't a fan of the bubble gum flavored toothpaste and requested a new kind. Strawberry was "much better" she proclaimed. Each girl got to pick out a new toothbrush - hot pink for Grace, orange for Emma Kate. I would have bet my big toe on those choices. And, bonus - 0 cavities for either girl!
I took a couple of pictures for documentation purposes. They let them wear little sunglasses during the cleaning so the light wouldn't bother them, which I thought was neat - especially when you're accessory loving girls!
Ok, one hitch. I took this picture of Grace mere minutes before she threw up. She started saying her tummy was hurting and apparently it's not uncommon for fluoride to make you vomit if you swallow too much. Poor Grace, I think I'll owe her a pony some day for sharing this one.
So, that's it. 0 cavities, new toothbrushes, and a "first" met with flying colors.