Monday, November 21, 2011

Princesses and their little dog, too.

October, yeah, yeah, that was last month, but at least I'm getting around to blogging about October's happenings before Thanksgiving.  Plus, late is my style.

We made our annual trip to Burt's Pumpkin Farm to get our pumpkins.  Of course the girls were thrilled with Burt's, because at 3 and 4 years old, they're thrilled with just about everything.  Reece, on the other hand, was not too impressed and slept through his entire first trip to the pumpkin farm.  We came away with a nice round pumpkin for carving, 3 itty bitty pumpkins, 2 pieces of pumpkin roll, popcorn, 2 fried apple pies, and 2 giant lollipops.

For Halloween, Grace chose to dress up as Ariel, Emma Kate was Snow White (as if there was another option), and Reece was a puppy dog.  We went to our church's Trunk or Treat, and visited some neighbors and family.  I They really enjoyed the candy.

Happy Fall, Y'all!

Reece - 3 months old

Dear Reece,

Another blink, another month.  I've got to learn how to eliminate blinking.  Then maybe time will slow down just a bit.  You turned 3 months old today, and I think about how much you've changed in the last month.  At the beginning of your third month, it was as if you suddenly woke up and your personality really started revealing itself.  I think you needed some time to recover from your whirlwind entry into the world.  Or maybe it was the chaos that we brought you home to...  Either way, at the start of this month, your eyes suddenly became brighter, more focused.  Those smiles that were not delivered without deliberation began flowing freely.  And the coos and goos that greet us now are heart melting and bring tears to my eyes on a regular basis.

This month, we visited the pumpkin patch and celebrated your first Halloween.  And, I've been doing some celebrating as you sleep about 8 hours at night.  Now, the past few nights, since my maternity leave ended, you've been waking an extra time during the night.  I'm betting it's because you've missed me so much during the day.  If that's the reason, then I really don't mind it. :)

You've maintained your "up for the day at 7:00 am, bed time at 8:00 pm" routine.  You are such a good baby, and as long as you're tummy is full, diaper is dry, and body is snuggled, you are a happy camper.  It makes my heart swell 1 million times when your fussiness is quietened the minute you're snuggled in my arms.

Your big sisters continue to be infatuated with you.  I can't wait to see the look on their faces when you return that affection.

Baby Boy, Here's to a quarter of a year of YOU!


Reece - 2 months old

Dear Reece,

You turned 2 months old on October 21, 2011.  As I write this, you are actually almost 3 months old.  On one hand, that makes me feel like I've been slacking, but on the other hand, time seems to be passing so quickly that I can't possibly keep up.  It feels like yesterday that we were bringing you home, but at the same time, it feels like you've always been here.  Ahhh, chalk up my ramblings to being a sentimental mama.  I promise I'll try to keep them to a minimum when you're old enough to be embarrassed by them.  I also promise you'll understand them when you're old enough to get over that embarrassment.

Your second month was filled with more firsts.  When you were 5 weeks old, you went to church for the first time.  At 6 weeks old, you attended your first party - Emma Kate's birthday.  You actually rolled over for the first time (tummy to back) at 4 weeks, but I wasn't convinced that it wasn't a fluke because 4 weeks is too soon for my baby to start meeting milestones like rolling over, but alas, you proved that roll was the first of many.

You made us wait until you were 7 weeks old to see your first real smile.  Let me assure you that seeing your little mouth spread in that precious grin was well worth the wait.  Most of the time, your smile comes out of only one side of your mouth.  At 2 months old, you are still pretty reserved with your smiles and seem to be a serious little man.

Little Man.  That's one of our nick names for you.  Way more often than Reece, you get called Little Man, Reecie P, or Baby Boy.  Or something preceded by sweet, precious, or handsome.  Whatever we call you, know that it is laced with love.  2 months of unimaginable, indescribable love.
