Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Celebrating 3 - Emma Kate Style

Emma Kate turned a trio of years on October 2.  For her third birthday, Emma Kate had 2 requests: earrings and Snow White.

We made an appointment to have her ears pierced, but went in without any real expectations.  Emma Kate's ears are so sensitive that she cries when the doctor has to look at them, and to clean them, you have to all but pin her down.  She surprised us all though when she sat in my lap like a big girl, and walked away with a few snubs and big girl earrings.

I promise it didn't take long for this pitiful face to start smiling and showing off her earrings.

And then came the Snow White soiree.  Everything was red, blue, and yellow to match Snow White's dress.

I made the invitation while the banner, favor tags, cupcake toppers, and water bottle labels were made by Toadally Cute Products on Etsy.

How cute is the nutrition label?!
 The tables had a burlap table runner, and I made these fabric topiaries using scraps of red, blue, and yellow fabric.

For the dessert table, I played up the apple theme that is so prevalent in Snow White.  Other than cupcakes, we had apple cake balls, apple muffins, apple pies, and brownies.  Ok, the brownies don't go with the apple theme, but they are Emma Kate's favorite sweet treat, so we couldn't have her birthday without them.

So, my apple cake balls don't exactly look like Bakerella's, but they tasted yummy!  That's what counts, right?

It might have something to do with the fact that this is what it looks like when cake balls are being made at my house.

The Birthday Girl got just a wee bit shy when we sang to her.  Buuuuut, she quickly overcame when it was present time.

My sweet birthday girl had a blast.  We are so thankful to all our family that helped her celebrate.

 Princess Emma Kate

 Big Sister dressed up as Ariel for the par-tay.

I don't know if I've ever seen a more excited birthday girl.  She kept proclaiming, "This is MY bufday pawty!" and every day since her birthday, "I'm fwee; I have eah-wings; and I'm a big guhl."

Yes, you are, Princess Emma Kate.  You are my big girl.

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