Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Reece - 6 months

Dear Reece,

You turned 6 months old on February 21, 2012, and with a bang, I might add.  We spent your half birthday with a 102 degree temperature and a double ear infection.  Luckily, the month leading up was amazing.  You have done quite a bit of growing and changing in the last month.  You finally started rolling from your tummy to your back.  I'm not sure what took so long for you to realize you had that little skill, but now that you do, it's made my job a bit more detailed.  You don't stay on your activity mat any more, and you can't be left unattended on beds!  You also started baby food.  You love carrots, sweet potatoes, and all fruits, but you aren't a fan of green beans - those are promptly spewed back out of your mouth.  I have learned that I can sneak them in as long as you taste sweet potatoes first.  You have really discovered toys this month.  You love anything with lights and music, and anything you can put in your mouth and gnaw on, really.

We also had your baby dedication at church.  This is our way of making a public proclamation that we will teach you about Jesus and do our best to raise you according to God's will. 

It blows my mind to think that half a year has passed since your whirlwind entrance into the world.  I can't believe that just 6 months ago, I didn't realize how much I wanted a little boy.  6 months ago, I was worried that Grace and Emma Kate would still be upset about not getting a baby sister.  6 months ago, I went from envisioning a lifetime of pink and frills to embarking on a life of a mixture of the best of both worlds.  In these 6 months, you have gone from a teeny peanut of a newborn to a chubby baby who is learning and growing at the speed of light.  Your personaility is revealing itself daily, and this bond that I see forming between you and your sisters is when I realize what a gift you 3 are to each other.  In 6 short months, you have captured all our hearts and got us wrapped around your little finger.  We all love you more than we could have ever imagined, and can feel that you feel that way about us too.

Happy half birthday!


Valentine's Day - 2012

Valentine's Day has taken on a whole new meaning now that we have kids old enough to celebrate.  Justin and I try to show each other how much we love and appreciate each other throughout the year, so Valentine's is now about making it fun for the kids.

 Justin was traveling the week of Valentine's Day this year, so the kids and I made him a card the week before (gasp!).  Thank you, Pinterest.

And, we made heart hair.  Idea compliments of Pinterest. 

We made valentines for Grace's pre-k class and valentines for each girl to give out at Sunday School. Again, thank you, Pinterest. Are you sensing a theme?  No picture of the actual valentines, so how about 1 of my valentines? :)

Apparently, I forgot the lesson about gum chewing during pictures. Ahem, Grace.

So what do I love about my Valentines?  Here are a few things:

Grace - I love the dimple in her chin, the shape of her hands, the sweet mothering nature with which she approaches Reece.  I love her girly girl personality.  I love that she loves school, sparkle, and purses.  I love that she is so observant that she knows every detail of what everyone else is doing.  I love teaching her how to write and seeing the surprise and joy on her face as she learns.

Emma Kate - I love the pout of her lips and the color of her eyes.  I love that she is a ball of sass.  I love that I have to hold my breath because the words coming out of her mouth just might embarrass me or make me roll with laughter.  I love that she loves snuggling, making Reece laugh, and her new cowboy boots.  I love that despite loving skirts, she hates the way that tights "hug her legs".  I love that she takes pleasure in helping others and singing at the top of her lungs.  I love that she loves with no reservations.

Reece - I love the smell of his skin, how his eyelashes lay on his cheeks when his eyes are closed, and how he smiles with his whole face.  I love that he has found his toes.  I love that he can blow raspberries and make his sisters beam with just one look.  I love that he is a mama's boy.  I love that he knows the face and voice of his family members.  I love that he loves to be held.

Happy Valentine's Day, Loves. 

Reece - 5 months

Dear Reece,

You turned 5 months old on January 21, 2012.  This month, we celebrated a lot!  Christmas was first up, followed by New Year's, the end of your first football season, and Daddy's birthday.

Needless to say, impressed is not the word to describe your reaction to the lights, presents, and festivities.  Don't worry though, your sisters had that covered.  Santa brought you a rocking horse, activity mat, and your first cars and trucks.  Daddy and i gave you your first pair of Nikes and some other stuff that you probably won't appreciate until you're old like us.  Grace and Emma Kate each picked out an animal rattle to give you. 

New Year's was next, and we rang it in on the Sleepy Town Train.  And, then we celebrated Daddy's birthday on January 13.
If you'll look back over your monthly letters, you'll see how I bragged on you for sleeping well.  Well, this is the month that ended.  Let me just say that it's a good thing you're so cute.  You had your first bite of baby cereal at the end of this month, which you really enjoyed.  Milk, cereal, you love it all!

Your hair that had fallen out after you were born, is really growing back now.  And, it's blonde!  I don't know if it'll stay that way, but for now, you're a fuzzy little towhead.  And, your eyes are still blue.  People comment how much you look like Grace and me.

I am enjoying every minute of being your mama.  I didn't realize how much our family needed you, but I think we're all taken aback by how much we love you. 

Happy 5 months, Baby Boy!